Submission Schedule Report

The Submission Schedule report provides a formal submission document that is presentable to the client. It provides a breakdown of the work to be performed, listing out the Direct Cost items important to the client, along with their corresponding Sell Rates and Totals attributed to a project’s Spread Calculation.

Submission Schedule Report


In its default column layout, the Submission Schedule report displays the following information:

  • Item Number
  • Description
  • Unit
  • Quantity
  • Unit Rate (Sell Rate)
  • Amount (Sell Total)


You can change the format of the data by clicking the Change button, in the bottom left-hand corner in the Options section of the report.

Submission Schedule Report - formatting options



Show Base Resource Type Sell Values

Checking this option will transition the report layout from portrait to landscape, with additional columns added displaying the Sell Values of the Resource Types (Labour, Material, Plant, Subcontractor and Other) for each item.

Show Signature Lines

This allows signature lines to be added to the end of the report.

The signature lines provide a space for the party tendering to write their name, signature and the date signed.

Checking this option will enable the checkbox for Show Witness Lines option.

Show Witness Lines

This option will add witness signature lines to the end of the report.

These lines provide space to write the witness’ name, signature and the date signed.

Show Sell Totals Including/ Excluding Tax

When set to “including Tax”, the Sell Rates and Totals will have the Tax percentage included in their value.

If set to “excluding Tax”, the Sell Rates and Totals will be shown without the Tax percentage applied.

Show Tax total

When checked, additional lines are added to the end of the report showing the total Sales Tax for the Project and the Project Total Including Sales Tax.

Enabling this option will disable the “Excludes Sales Tax” option.

Shows “Excludes Sales Tax” statement

When this option is checked, the text “Sales Tax has not been included in this tender” will be added to the bottom of the Submission Schedule below the project total.

Enabling this option will disable the Show Sales Tax totals option.

Show Terms & Conditions

Enabling this option will display the Terms & Conditions for the project, as entered in the Project Properties – Terms & Conditions window.

Hide '(Provisional)' suffix from Provisional Sum Items

When this option is checked, any Provisional Sum items will have the (Provisional) suffix removed from the descirption.

Units to display as columns

This allows you to select which Unit summation columns should be displayed as columns on the right-hand side of the report.
These columns will summarise the resource units consumed against each Cost Schedule line shown.

User Defined Columns

This allows you to select User Defined columns to display on the report.

Note: General Report Options are available as standard for this report.


The Items section allows you to specify which items will be displayed within the report. This is broken up into two sections the Options and the Grid Section.

The Options section will allow you to easily include / exclude any Heading or Provisional items from the report, the Grid Section contains checkboxes allowing you to include or exclude individual items from the report.



Include Text and Heading Items

When this option is checked, text items and heading items that appear within the Items selection section are checked and will be included in the report.

Include Provisional Items

When this option is checked, provisional items that appear within the Items selection section are checked and will be included in the report.