automatic defines

Automatic defines are created by the application with the name and value referencing various columns. They are available in the following areas of the application:

Automatic defines work the same as Global and Local defines; once a value has been created or defined you can reference it elsewhere in your Cost Estimate. Defines can be referenced by typing the ‘#’ symbol into the formula field.

Automatic defines are generated for certain properties of a Cost Estimate line and allow you to use them in complex formula or simply as a reference for another line’s quantity or value. These properties include:

  • Quantity
  • Estimated Quantity
  • Line Quantity
  • Line Production
  • Line Number (Value)
  • Duration



Define Name



This define references the value in the line Quantity, Matrix Item Quantity or Base Quantity for the Cost Estimate.


The #ESTQTY define references the value entered in the Estimated Quantity for the Cost Schedule Item.

Note: This is only available in Cost Schedule Item Cost Estimates.


This define references the Quantity value of the Cost Estimate line specified, where x represents the line number to be referenced.

Note: Lines referenced must be above the line that the formula is used on.


The #DUR define references the Duration value entered in the Cost Schedule item.

Only available when a Duration and Duration Type has been set on the Cost Schedule.

Genesis edition only.

Cost Estimate Time and Production Mode

Define Name



References the Production value of the Cost Estimate line specified, where x represents the line number to be referenced.

Only available in Production mode Cost Estimates.

Genesis edition only.


Cites the Number value of the Cost Estimate line specified, where x represents the line number to be referenced.

Only available in Time or Production mode Cost Estimates.

Genesis edition only.

Resource Calculation Templates

Define Name



The Total number of days that have been defined within the Template Calendar window. The outcome of this formula will be placed within the result column.

Genesis edition only.


Produces the Number of cycle days and converts this value to weeks. This value is also the CycleDays divided by Seven to represent a whole calendar week. The outcome of this formula is put into the result column.

Genesis edition only.


This will populate the results column with the Sum of all equivalent ordinary hours in the cycle defined within the Template Calendar.

Genesis edition only.


The #TOTALHOURS define will display the total number of hours in the current Template Calendar.

Genesis edition only.


This define will reference the Total number of ordinary hours in the cycle defined within the Template Calendar window.

Genesis edition only.


This define will calculate the total number of days in the cycle excluding any days that have zero working hours.

Genesis edition only.


The #WORKINGWEEKS define will use the number of working days in the Template Calendar and divide this by seven to calculate the number of working weeks.

Genesis edition only.